Yivliminare Mosque – Tourist Attractions in Kaleici

There are many historical places to visit in the historical Kaleici district located in the city center of Antalya. One of these historical places is Yivliminare Mosque. Yivliminare Mosque is among the historical buildings visited by many people. The mosque is located in Kaleici, the historical district of Antalya. Yivliminare Mosque, also known as the Ulu Mosque, is a work of the Anatolian Seljuk Period and was built in the 13th century.
Yivliminare Mosque was built in 1239. It is among the first Islamic structures built in Antalya. That’s why it attracts so much attention. The mosque, whose base is made of cut stone, has 8 grooves. The mosque was named Yivliminare Mosque due to this architectural feature.
The minaret of the structure, whose body consists of turquoise tiles and bricks, is 38 meters long. Access to the top of the minaret is provided by a 90-step ladder.
It is liked by many people because of its mosque appearance. Since it is located in the historical Kaleiçi, it is very close to historical places such as the Mevlevihane museum. After visiting the Yivliminare Mosque, you can visit historical structures such as the Mevlevihane museum, and have a pleasant time in the restaurants and cafes in the vicinity.
If you want to get information about the Mevlevihane museum, which is very close to the mosque, you can review our blog post we prepared for you.
If you are interested in historical and religious buildings that draw attention with their architecture, you can add Yivliminare Mosque to your list of places to visit in Antalya.