Majestic Historical Buildings – Kirkgoz Caravanserai

Kırkgöz Han Kervansaray - Döşemealtı Antalya

Kirkgoz Kervansaray is one of the historical and touristic places to visit in Antalya’s Dosemealti district. Between 1237 and 1246, it was built by Seljuk Sultan II Giyaseddin Keyhusrev. Kirkgoz Caravanserai has the distinction of being one of the last stops of the historical trade route, the Silk Road, on Anatolia. However, it is among the 6 inns built by the sultans within the Anatolian lands.

The restoration of the building, which has a rectangular plan extending from the south to the north, was completed in 2009. The inn has a closed area of 1,500 square meters with an open area of 1,250 square meters. Kirkgoz Caravanserai has a very large courtyard and rooms lined up around the courtyard.

Compared to other caravanserais, it has a unique architecture with its bastions, roof cover and well in the courtyard. That’s why it draws attention. During the restoration, the mouth of a cistern in the middle of the courtyard and the remains of a ceramic kiln in the southeast part of the courtyard were unearthed.

According to the inscription in the inn, the inn is determined as the place where those who travel from east to west for the first time can stay. Likewise, this inscription describes Giyaseddin Keyhusrev II as the owner of the crown, banner and belt, different from the previous Seljuk Sultans. In this case, the inscription also constitutes a unique example.

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